各機關採用電子方式會計資料或貯存體之錯誤更正要點Directions for Correct Accounting Data by Electronic Processing of Government Agencies
各機關統計資料發布要點Statistical Data Dissemination Directions of Government Agencies
各機關統計調查人員調查費用列支要點Directions Governing Disbursement by Statistical Enumerators
各機關設置及應用電腦管理要點Directions for the Management of Installation and Usage of Computer in Government Agencies
各機關單位預算分配注意事項Notices for the Unit Budget Allotment of Agency
各機關單位預算財務收支處理注意事項Notices for Handling the Financial Receipts and Expenditures of Agency Unit Budget
各機關學校出席費及稿費支給要點Directions for Paying Attendance , Writing and Editing Fees of Central Governments Agency and School
地方政府歲計會計資訊管理系統(CBA系統)Local Government Budget Accounting Information Management System (CBA)
存貨變動Changes in inventories
年度預算Annual Budget
成本原則Cost Principle
收入或收益實現原則Revenue Principle
收藏品及傳承資產Collections and Heritage Assets
自然資源折耗Natural Resources Depletion
行政法人依法預算須送立法院之預算編製注意事項Notices for administrative corporations to compile the annual budgetary statement for submission to the Legislative Yuan
行政院主計總處表揚優秀主計人員要點Operating Guidelines for Commendation of Excellent BAS personnel of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處核定各類會計制度程序Procedures for Checking and Ratifying Accounting Systems by Directorate General of Budget,Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處國民所得統計評審會設置要點Establishment Guidelines for National Income Statistics Committee of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處專業獎章頒給辦法Grant Regulations for Profession Medal of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan