

  • 發布單位:綜合統計處

依據本總處所蒐集典藏之國際統計性刊物中,有40種以上刊物(包括IMF, World Bank, OECD, FAO, ISI等組織)曾載有我國統計資料,惟其中30餘種屬聯合國暨其所屬組織之刊物,自1971年我國退出聯合國後,即不再刊載我國資料,其原因純為政治因素,不過目前我國仍繼續定期與數個國家及國際組織交換統計資料,而EUROPA、OECD、亞洲生產力組織、日本總務廳統計局、Global Insight及Asian Development Bank等重要國際組織及機構所出版刊物(如附表)仍定期刊載我國統計資料。(立法院80年度中央政府總預算案第1組第11次審查會議陳委員定南質詢)


1. World Economic Outlook: Developing & Eurasia Post-Meeting Forecast (Global Insight)

2. Merrill Lynch:Asia (ex-Japan) Economic Outlook (Merrill Lynch,United Kingdom)

3. Merrill Lynch:The Global Economy-Monthly (Merrill Lynch, United Kingdom)

4. Comparative Information on Productivity Levels and Changes in APO Member Countries (APO)

5. Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade (OECD)

6. Asian Development Bank Annual Report (ADB)

7. Asian Development Outlook (ADB)

8. Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries (ADB)

9. Statistical Report Series (ADB)

10. Asia Yearbook (Review pub. co., Hong Kong)

11. Asia and Pacific Review (NTC Business Books, US)

12. The Summary Report on Trade of Japan (Tariff Association)

13. The World Competitiveness Yearbook (IMD)

14. The Far East and Australasia (EUROPA)

15. Monthly Outlook (Global Insight)

16. Asian Development Outlook (Asian Development Bank)

17. Quarterly Review And Outlook (Global Insight)

18. Asia Pacific Economic Outlook (Nomura Research Institute, SI)

19. Asia Pacific Economic Literature (Economic Division, Research School of Pacific, AU)

20. Asia and the Far East Commission on Agricultural Statistics Republic of China (Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.)

21. Asia International Input-Output Table (Institute of Developing Economies, JA)

22. 2007 Economic Forecasts for Asian Industrilizing (JA)

23. Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan: Questionnaire and Survey Design (US)

24. Pacific Basin Economic Indicators (US)

25. Pacific Economic Outlook (US)

26. 國際比較統計=Comparative Economic and Financial Statistics Japan and other Major Countries (日本銀行調查統計局)

27. 世界經濟白書(日本經濟企畫廳)

28. 世界の統計(日本總務省統計局)